Use Mail Boxes Etc. Ireland - Cork as your registered company address
Rent a mailbox or virtual office address at Mail Boxes Etc. Ireland - Cork and you can use our Commerce House, 14 Washington St West, Cork City, T12 NCF2 Ireland as your Registered Company address for all your company mail. We can provide you with a registered office address in England, Scotland or Ireland for a monthly or annual fee, in addition to our regular Business mailbox rental fees.
Rent a mailbox online or in-store and you can use our address at Companies House or for any official HMRC mail. A mailbox address is a real street address and not a PO Box.
Companies House advise that by law all companies must have a registered office address which must be a physical location in their country of registration. It must be an address at which you will be able to deal with all official letters and notices you receive.
A mailbox address service from Mail Boxes Etc. Ireland - Cork qualifies and with our mail forwarding service by post or courier we can deliver your mail to any postal address worldwide.
We'll also hold on file your SAIL address (Single Alternative Inspection Location) so we can promptly pass on any written requests for company information, to meet both your and our legal requirements.
Call us now on 021 497 5060 or subscribe online and we can set up your registered company address today.