Doing business abroad? We're ready. Are you?

Exporting advice for small businesses and the self-employed at Mail Boxes Etc. London - Chiswick

Now the UK has left the EU, new rules have come into effect which affect all 200,000+ UK businesses who trade with Europe and countries trading in the European Economic Area (EEA). If your business imports and exports goods to the EU/EEA - we can help.

Don’t panic – we’ve got this!

Here are some helpful hints and tips to prepare your business and protect your supply chains:

  • If you don’t have one already, apply for a ‘GB’ EORI number online*
    (Your Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number needs to begin with ‘GB’ and it can take up to a week for HMRC to process).
  • Research and record the Commodity Code* and customs value of the goods you import/export, so you can prepare customs declarations and calculate duties.
  • Get a personalised list of actions* for your UK business 
  •" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:underline;">Appoint Mail Boxes Etc. London - Chiswick as your agent to deal with customs for your international deliveries (You’ll need to confirm this in writing, email is fine).
  • Ensure you always include an accurate description of goods and declare the correct value of items you export - (we can help with this part, and provide compensation cover too)!
  • If you wish to base your business in the EU, our Republic of Ireland locations may be able to assist. (We can take payment for your Ireland business address in £ Sterling).
  • If you are an EU-based business with clients across the UK, appear local with a London - Chiswick, UK correspondence address    

If you have any questions about exporting your goods into EU countries, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, or indeed exporting to any country worldwide, speak to our local shipping experts - your London - Chiswick post, parcel & print centre.

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We’ve got export covered. Have you?

*links provided for guidance only. Mail Boxes Etc. London - Chiswick accepts no liability for the accuracy of the information provided by third-party websites. Mail Boxes Etc. Cork and Killarney offer mailbox services to private individuals and sole traders only. Mail Boxes Etc. Dublin is also registered to provide mailbox services to registered and limited companies. If in doubt, please contact us before making your purchase.

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